My own forum



I am in the process of setting up my own forum.

I do enough moaning about others so why not have a go at my own.

Its pretty much anything goes. If you want a winge or any polishing tips advice etc give it a try. I have 1 member at the moment.

Myself. :D

Lets see how it grows.

Vrdetailing Forum
Re: My own forum

"Why" ?

Go on then sell it to me,,

What can I do on your forum that I cannot do on the

Been stewing on this ever since I read it just before I went to bed..:rolleyes:

Why upset the apple cart when things seem to run smoothly on here ?

Being a very old fart,, it took me over 4 months to get the hang of this site,, you can still have a go at me on here and likewise..:wink:


With due respect..:169B9ADF431545348BC
Re: My own forum

I 'get it' thats why I started my forum a while ago.
This forum is pretty specialised being Harley focused, nothing wrong in that, Hog's forum is polishing and cleaning specialised, nothing wrong in that, mine is not specialised apart from bikes, so there is a crossover in all them, and some others.
Re: My own forum

Ahhh yes the flooring, oops sorry the voices:9399D3F58B324EE1B68
Re: My own forum

You can swear on my forum and argue with me without it being covered by any club rules. :wink:

You can talk with HOG members :169B9ADF431545348BC

You can do what you like as long as I don't mind.

You can leve feedback about my work etc... either good or bad without it being edited and I can answer back how I like.

Or you can just read the usefull information as its intended.

If you don't try something you newer know. It will take time and if it does not work then what the hell.

Everything starts off small.
Re: My own forum

rod do you think its fare to advertise your web site/forum on someone elses forum,mate:439:
Re: My own forum

I do.

What is the problem with it?

It isn't 'poaching', just because you read the 'Sun' doesnt mean you cannot read the @Mirror' or the Mail as well, does it?
Re: My own forum

You can swear on my forum and argue with me without it being covered by any club rules. :wink:

" Rodney ! you Plonker ! :D "

cheers Rod I ain't had so much fun since I went on the " Only Fools and Horsepower Forum " :wink:

Stick an ad in the Quinn and offer another 10% discount and you'll get away with murder :D.

Reckon 1200 Shovel Bills right, this forum is too well established to lose members to a non club forum
and Shovel and Rod are both HDRCGB members, might be frowned upon if they were'nt.
Re: My own forum

Its just my way of trying something new. If it doesn't work what the hell.

I advertise my products in the foundry but it does not compete with them.

Its a polishing / customising/ anything i like forum. Now with 4 members.

I was going to add a blog to my website for people to leave feedback but I chose a forum.

If its frowned apon I am sure Baza will remove this post and I will never speak of it again.

Or you could wait a few weeks as I build up my tips and advice and have a read.
Re: My own forum

Not a problem.

Dantheman has his Motley Crew site your not the first. Plus I moderate/night watchman on a USA site. It's a free world. No it's not you owe me a pint. :439:

Is Gogsy a member yet? :wink:
Re: My own forum

Well ffs I'd rather it there than on here and Rodders can say what he likes on his own site.:D

Unless he wants a administrator I'm cheap.....:439:

Now Girlyglide will leave us I expect.:D
Re: My own forum

They are both welcome to continue the oil debate my un moderated site.

I have a few things I would like to discuss further.

Thanks for the thumbs up baza. If it gets out of hand I will call you over to bang some heads including mine. :D
Re: My own forum

Once this thread has died a death you can put in a discreet link.

Take all that tosh out ..:wink:..( Biggus Dickus teres of crus res

Just because its cleaner than new don't think its never used.:wink:)

And have something like this in your signature:
